Silver Medal 2020

87 Points

Long Shadows Vintners - Pirouette

Long Shadows Vintners

Vintage: 2016

This wine has aromas of blackberry, plum, sweet tobacoo and with an herbacious under tone. This wine is herbal, and elegant on the palate.

Silver Medal 2020

87 Points

Long Shadows Vintners - Pirouette

Long Shadows Vintners

Vintage: 2016

This wine has aromas of blackberry, plum, sweet tobacoo and with an herbacious under tone. This wine is herbal, and elegant on the palate.

Silver Medal 2020

87 Points

Long Shadows Vintners - Pirouette

Long Shadows Vintners

Vintage: 2016

This wine has aromas of blackberry, plum, sweet tobacoo and with an herbacious under tone. This wine is herbal, and elegant on the palate.

Silver Medal 2020

87 Points

Long Shadows Vintners - Pirouette

Long Shadows Vintners

Vintage: 2016

This wine has aromas of blackberry, plum, sweet tobacoo and with an herbacious under tone. This wine is herbal, and elegant on the palate.